Hyaluronic acid solution positively correlated with SLE activity (P = 0.025). (P = 0.028) and CRP (P = 0.009). However, HA was not found to correlate with the duration of rheumatic diseases. Conclusions Hyaluronic acid concentration undergoes changes in rheumatic diseases with no difference between RA, SLE and SSc. In RA, HA concentration can be a Rabbit polyclonal to ARF3 marker of inflammation, while in SLE patients an indicator of disease activity. CRP is only moderate higher in most connective tissue Hetacillin potassium diseases, with very high concentrations in bacterial infections) nor specific markers (ESR increases with age); however, they are often helpful in evaluating patients with inflammatory or rheumatic diseases. It should be also remembered that joint damage entails alterations in many biochemical parameters, and therefore it may be used for diagnostic purposes. This concerns mainly the biomarkers of synovitis, which may be present in the first early stage of disease and even at pre-radiographic stages, and biologic markers of bone and cartilage metabolism that are used to diagnose and assess the progression of changes in the joints, in addition to Hetacillin potassium radiographic changes that occur in the later stages of disease (in RA, the concentrations of many compounds, like HA, increase and can reflect the activity of inflammation. Hence, we also expected that HA could be a marker of inflammation in some of these diseases. Materials and methods Subjects This case-control study consisted of 149 patients (126 females and 23 males), aged 19-85 years (median: 54 years) with rheumatic diseases hospitalized in the Department of Rheumatology and Internal Diseases, Medical University of Bialystok, during 2018 and 2019. Patients were divided into three subgroups: RA, SSc and SLE. The diagnosis of RA was confirmed according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2010 classification criteria (test for multiple comparisons was done and the P given. The Chi2 test was used to compare differences between genders. The correlation between variables was assessed by Spearmans rank correlation coefficient. The results were considered to be statistically significant when P values were less than 0.05. Results The results of serum HA concentrations, demographic and clinical data in healthy controls and patients with rheumatic diseases are shown in Table 1. The median of serum HA concentration was significantly higher in RA, SLE, and SSc in comparison to the control group (P 0.001, P = 0.011, and P = 0.015, respectively). The median of ESR, CRP, and PLT concentrations in these rheumatic diseases Hetacillin potassium were also significantly higher compared to the controls (except for PLT in SLE, P=0.822), whereas the median of Hb was lower in comparison to healthy subjects (Table 2). The median values of ESR and CRP in RA patients were higher compared to SSc (P 0.001, P = 0.003, respectively). The median value of RF concentrations was significantly higher in RA compared to SLE, SSc and controls55 ng/mL, Hetacillin potassium P = 0.904). No correlation was found between HA and disease duration (P = 0.698) (Table 4). Systemic sclerosis activity was evaluated by Rodnan skin score (mean 8.62 6.06 – mild activity) (Table 1). The majority of the patients (76%) had mild disease activity (5.81 Hetacillin potassium 3.60), while the others (24%) moderate (17.6 1.67). There were no differences in serum HA concentration between patients with low and moderate SSc activity (P = 0.271). No differences in Rodnan skin score were observed between patients with normal and elevated serum HA concentration (P = 0.148). The HA concentration did not correlate with Rodnan skin score (P = 0.129) (Table 4). No differences in HA concentration were found between patients with a shorter disease duration ( 2 years) and those with a longer disease duration (46 51 ng/mL, P = 0.583). No correlation was observed between HA concentration and disease duration (P = 0.774) (Table 4). Mean SLE activity assessed by SLEDAI was 15.1 4.86, ranging from 8 to 26 (Table 1). There were 60% of patients with high disease activity (mean 14.6 2.1), and 20% with both moderate (9.0 1.15) and very high (22.5 3.0) disease activity. Hyaluronic acid concentrations correlated positively with SLEDAI (P = 0.025), but did not correlate with disease duration (P = 0.403) (Table 4). Systemic lupus.
Categories:Alpha1 Adrenergic Receptors