32 Though the individuals in PROACTIVE were being seen at SCDCRN centers, some may have also been seen at other private hospitals in their community that do not abide by the same guidelines as those in niche centers, and thus be exposed to antigens that put them at high risk of alloimmunization. adults. 75.8% had received at least a single transfusion of red blood cells prior to the study. Thirty-four individuals (14.4%) had a history of at least one alloantibody and 17 of these had more than one. When surveyed, 19 sites (83% of responders) reported antigen matching to at least include C, E and K for transfusion of all individuals with sickle cell disease. Summary Though antigen typing prior to transfusion of people with sickle cell disease and providing antigen negative models is now widely employed by sickle cell centers, the alloimmunization rate remains quite high in contemporary sickle cell populations and may be due in large part to transfusions received at organizations not providing prolonged matching. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Transfusion, PROACTIVE, Duffy blood group, Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease Intro Transfusion of reddish blood cells is used to treat and prevent complications of sickle cell disease (SCD). Alloimmunization to non-ABO reddish cell antigens is definitely potentially problematic 1, 2 and commonly encountered, at least in part due to antigen disparity between blood donors and people with SCD. 3C5 Antigen-matching beyond standard ABO and Rh Thiamet G typing has reduced this alloimmunization rate in solitary institutional tests 6C8 and in a research establishing. Thiamet G 9 In the PROACTIVE Feasibility Study (ClinicalTrials.gov “type”:”clinical-trial”,”attrs”:”text”:”NCT00951808″,”term_id”:”NCT00951808″NCT00951808), 10 eligible individuals with SCD hospitalized for pain were randomized to prophylactic transfusion to pre-empt nosocomial acute chest syndrome (ACS) or to standard care. Data collected included each individuals previously recognized reddish cell alloantibodies. In addition, individuals were screened for alloantibodies on enrollment to help assess feasibility of getting compatible reddish cells in a timely fashion for transfusion of randomized individuals. These data inform concerning contemporary prevalence of alloimmunization in a broad group of individuals with SCD cared for at 26 centers participating in the Sickle Cell Disease Clinical Study Network (SCDCRN), as compared to rates seen in participants in the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease (CSSCD) nearly three decades ago. 11 MATERIALS AND METHODS PROACTIVE Feasibility Study Design Thirty-one centers participating in the SCDCRN were encouraged to enroll individuals in the PROACTIVE Feasibility Study, designed with an observation arm to determine the utility of elevated serum levels of secretory Thiamet G phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) in predicting ACS, and an treatment arm to evaluate the feasibility of using timely transfusion to prevent ACS in those at risk; type IIa sPLA2 is definitely a calcium dependent protein that cleaves phospholipids to generate nonesterified fatty acids and lysophospholipids and is a potent inflammatory mediator. Subjects who developed fever and a serum level of Rabbit Polyclonal to CATL2 (Cleaved-Leu114) sPLA2 100 ng/mL were eligible to become randomized to transfusion or standard care only to determine whether ACS could be prevented. Individuals with SCD, genotype Hb SS, SC, or S-thalassemia age 2 years or older admitted for pain who did not already have ACS were eligible for the observation arm of the trial. Exclusion criteria included: transfusion within 60 days of study access or treatment with corticosteroids; coexisting conditions; and pregnancy or preferences/conditions (including a history of alloimmunization) that might require or preclude quick transfusion. 10 Site Survey Concerning Antigen Matching for Transfusion Prior to commencement Thiamet G of PROACTIVE, participating centers were asked whether prolonged phenotyping is definitely regularly carried out on SCD individuals. After termination of the study, sites were again polled as to whether individuals with SCD (or a subgroup, i.e. Hb SS or chronic transfusion individuals) who need red blood cell transfusion are given red blood cells not only matched for ABO/Rh and any previously recognized alloantibodies, but also matched for more antigens. If so, a check-off list of antigens was offered to indicate which ones are included in.
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